Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Scare Week

Scare Week is a feature I worked on with South East radio station Beat 102 103 and over the next few days I’ll be posting the videos that accompanied the radio series, some of fantastic abandoned buildings including Loftus Hall which we’ve blogged about over on World Abandoned in the past. We visited locations throughout the South East of Ireland and enjoyed some really fantastic experiences.

We began in Loftus Hall in Wexford, regarded by many as the most haunted location in Ireland and built originally during the Black Death! The devil is said to have appeared during a stormy night long ago.

Although not an actual haunted location, we included the House Of Horrors in The Forum in Waterford as it was one of the many scare mazes operating in the area and we thought it could add some fun into the series. Lots of scares and thrills, smoke and mirrors indeed but a good experience and it just goes to show the effect ghosts and paranormal have on people.

Huntington Castle in Clonegal, Carlow is an old stately manor and is also home to the Temple Of Isis, a shrine to the ancient Egyptian goddess.

Enniscorthy Castle is the main base of Wexford Paranormal and is said to be home to a number of spirits. It’s now a museum but there have many reports of alleged activity.

Duckett’s Grove was part of a full paranormal investigation I took part in with Zara and Niall from the radio station and was a really fantastic experience. The house is mainly just a ruin but things certainly became interesting. We’ll tell you what some eagle eyed viewers saw after we put the video on YouTube.
Finally, we were very kindly invited to the haunted tour of Shankill Castle in Paulstown, Kilkenny and had a great time. The house has a number of reported spirits and the tour really ramps up the scare factor.

Keep an eye on World Haunted over the next few days as we go through the Scare Week locations one by one!

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