The last aspect of the case I researched in detail involved the nature of the entity itself and its connection to the most prevalent symbol left. A broad scope of phenomena were reported along with messages that ranged from mundane and almost familial to homicidal. Some of the activities appeared to be for its own amusement while others were potentially deadly practical jokes. Some showed clarity of intent and others were just bizarre. My first conclusions as to the nature of the entity were that it was capricious, intelligent, and in need of acknowledgment. Upon further examination, though, my research and conversations with various experts and those that had knowledge of this case have led me to the belief that there wasn't a singular entity involved in the activity. In fact, there may have been several. Several factors have led to this belief. The handwriting manifested on the mirror and walls of the home changes constantly. Some messages even appear to be written left-handed and others right-handed. Some are feminine and others masculine. While this may be due simply to vacillations in desire of methods of communication, it is potential evidence that there may have been several entities communicating without divulging their individuality. Another piece of evidence in support of this theory is the extremely broad nature of activities themselves. In some cases the experiencer felt completely safe from harm from the entity (entities.) At anther points she felt terrified. Some of the messages were somewhat friendly and informative. Others expressed hatred and rage. One clue may be mined from the hundreds of pictures left. A name was given at the bottom of the mirror in one that I found very familiar: Baal.
I believed that examination of the symbols given would lend some clarity to the identity (at least in a broad scope) of the entity (entities.) I began with the most pervasive one, which was the “triangle with a tail.” The upright triangle itself has literally thousands of meanings. The holy trinity and the alchemical symbol for sulfur are two of the most common in metaphysics. There are references to a somewhat similar symbol that date back as far as the 15th century in Germany and France. Still, I could not locate any that were a complete match. In the end I decided that it was a personal symbol for the entity (entities.) It served much the same way a signature does for a person, but instead an expression in its native written language.
After having communication with David Weatherly, my research took yet another turn. At the time he was researching cases for a book on the Djinn. I contacted both he and Rosemary Ellen Guiley in regard to this case and their answers were very similar. They both believed that there was a strong possibility that the activity was perpetrated by either a single Djinn or several. This resonated with me in a strong way once I stepped back and examined the phenomena from a distance. Capricious nature. Attachment to an individual or family. Capable of causing strong displays of paranormal phenomena. Djinn have been reported to cause all of the manifestations exhibited in this case. Looking at the symbols associated with various Djinn I found that stylistically they are similar to the “triangle with a tail” found all over the Moffitt home (even though I have still been unable to find an exact match.) With the dozens of possibilities on my list, this theory has risen to the top.
The main issue with researching a case in which the phenomena are no longer occurring is that you must rely on accounts that you cannot personally verify. In this case in particular, though, I much prefer to have some distance between myself and the events. I imagine my curiosity would be deadlocked with my sense of self-preservation.
When I read A Deadly Haunting I was at first taken aback by its fictionalization. In places it gave descriptions of events no one could have recounted. In others there were obvious embellishments to events. A few events were added in for dramatic effect that I found detracted from the core story. Still, it was entertaining and very readable. It took a casual pace and painted a picture that may have been easier to grasp for someone not intimately acquainted with the field of the paranormal. The truth at the core of the story is definitely in there.
Personally I found the actual events given to me mouth-to-ear far more interesting. It also gave me the opportunity to get to know Deborah personally. I have found her to be one of the most genuine, caring, and charming people I've had the pleasure of meeting. I hope from the bottom of my heart that neither she nor her family will have to endure anything like the events in A Deadly Haunting again. While I find it disheartening that I couldn't give a definitive answer as to exactly what caused this family's misery, I'm certainly glad that the phenomena have not been experienced in over twenty years. Perhaps the identity of “Mr. Entity” is better left in the past along with the alternately amazing and terrifying events that once plagued a kind, unsuspecting family.
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