With it being a working museum, and visiting in the middle of the day, there wasn’t a sense of foreboding like we had felt upon approaching Loftus Hall earlier in the week. In fact it was quite pleasant and we initially spent some time looking around, gathering information and getting our bearings.
Wexford Paranormal use the castle as one of their main focus points and we’ve heard from them many stories of encounters they’ve had while doing investigations there as well as stories told to them by the staff and visitors. They since asked us to accompany them on an investigation in the castle and we intend to do so as soon as is possible.
The castle is located in a central part of the town and the sound of traffic could be heard outside. On the floor where they display items from the last family that lived there, you do get a sense of something past. The children’s room is the eeriest part and certainly made us uneasy. The basement, while a little cold and bare, didn’t scare us all that much, maybe because there was two of us. We’ve heard stories of activity down there from Wexford Paranormal and it seems to be one of the main areas they concentrate on. The story of the picture on the wall is fascinating.
If you are interested in looking at the paranormal side of the castle, we recommend getting in touch with Wexford Paranormal. They really know their stuff and we had the pleasure of accompanying them to Duckett’s Grove later in the week which you can read about here in a few days.
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